A Time For Being Thankful

November 16, 2016
Thank you leaves

As we move into this Thanksgiving holiday, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for being such a valued part of our extended Friends for Friends family. Your willingness to share your Blessings to help others in a time of great hardship extends the spirit of the November holiday throughout the entire year.

Embracing the generosity of its members, your FFF Executive Board met recently and approved donations for five nominations!

The first two donations were each in the amount of $3,000 to assist a young man who is paralyzed the result of a diving accident at the Jersey shore this past summer; and also to assist a paraplegic mother of two who is now battling breast cancer.

The third donation was in the amount of $2,500 for a man who is being treated for lung cancer while he and his family raise their autistic grandson.

The fourth donation was in the amount of $2,000 for a young man in his twenties who recently buried his father and is now taking care of his mother who has suffered a series of debilitating strokes.

And the fifth donation was in the amount of $1,000 for a father recovering from a kidney transplant. 

Thank you for being a member and making difference.

Thank you, and all of our Friends for Friends members, for allowing us to let our neighbors in need know that they are not alone in their personal moments of great challenge.

So many donation recipients write to thank us for the financial assistance, but also express a sense of renewed strength because of this thoughtful gesture. We accept these words of gratitude on your behalf...      

We hope you and all of those you hold dear have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving.