Friends Helping Friends at the Beach

July 18, 2015 to July 19, 2015
FfF at Surfside Sevens

Friends for Friends was on hand last week at the URugby Sevens rugby tournament in Stone Harbor, NJ. In return for helping out at the tournament, organizer Sevens Sports allowed sponsors to donate 20 percent of their advertising to the organization.

Making a Difference at Surfside

Friends for Friends also got shout-outs at the tournament, raising awareness of who we are and what we do. Thanks, Surfside!

Learn more about Friends for Friends at Surfside Sevens »

Remember—You can't have too many friends!

Encourage family, friends and neighbors to join the Friends for Friends network. As word of our collective good work spreads, the number of donation requests continues to steadily grow, so it is critical that we expand our dues paying membership list.

Please share our website, with prospective members for more information.

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